The Wedding

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Chapter 58

Caroline woke up to the smell of coffee, her eyes opened to see a steaming cup on her end table. Leaning against the cup was a small note that read, Can't wait until your my wife, love you. I looked around the bed with my tired eye looking for my phone once locating for is hiding place under my pillow I called him.

K: Good morning my love, how did you sleep?

C: How did you manage to leave me this note?

K: I lived in that house for a very long time, Reza the maid loves me, I mean she practically raised me.

C: Oh well it is very sweet of you, I can't wait to be your wife either. Just a few hours.

K: Just a few hours. What are you doing?

C: Just waking up, your mother has me on a very tight schedule so we will be leaving to head to the hotel across the venue soon. What are you doing?

K: Laying in your bed wishing you were next to me, thinking of all the dirty things I'd do to you if you were here.

C: Soon baby, not much longer to wait for that either.

K: That easy for you to say but your not playing fair.

C: I beg your pardon?

K: Don't play innocent with me, Your message last night was down right cruel.

C: I have no idea what you speak of, I gotta go shower love you

With a little giggle indicating to Klaus that she knew exactly what she was talking about Caroline hung up the phone. She had just finished her coffee, when a knock came to her door. Esther poked her head in "Oh Caroline your wake! Time for a shower and remember don't wash your hair it will make it difficult for the hairstylist."

"Already done, my bag is packed I am ready to go when ever you and Rebekah are."


"Of course I marrying the love of my life today." Esther didn't say anything just backed out of the room leaving Caroline with her thoughts. She had met the rest of the bridal party and her mother at the hotel.They had spent hours getting their hair and make-up done. Caroline had just gotten into her wedding dress, when Liz came up and asked to speak with her in private They pair stood off in the hall of the hotel. "Caroline dear I just wanted to speak with you, I've seen the tabloids and wanted to make sure that this is still what you wanted."

"I understand your concern mother but Klaus is the love of my life and it was a huge misunderstanding anyway. We have moved past it. I am marrying him because I love him."

"Good that should be the only reason for marriage though I know if your father were still alive he'd love that that your marrying a Mikaelson. He had a different vision for your live then I but his move Jane she was a kid beautiful woman, you are very much like her. When she past away she left this to you and asked that it be given to you on your wedding with her deepest apologizes that she didn't get to know you as much as she wanted too." As she spoke Liz pulled out a beautiful pearl necklace with diamonds in the middle.

 Caroline remembered seeing it on her grandmother in the wedding Photos her parents had

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 Caroline remembered seeing it on her grandmother in the wedding Photos her parents had. Liz motioned for Caroline to turn so she could put the necklace as she continued "Your grandfather Robert had got it as a wedding gift for her. Unfortunately the marriage didn't last long, your grandfather went to fight in the war a few months after they married where he lost his life. Jane wore this Necklace everyday since he'd gone away and she loved him til the day she died, she said she hope that this necklace would insure you a endless love like she had with Robert."

Tears ran down Caroline's face thinking about how beautiful and tragic the love story of her fathers parents, also made her understand his actions toward her mother better have no father figure in his life to teach him how to be a real man.

It was time Caroline picked up her bouquet and watched as her party walk down the aisle. First was Finn and Sage fallowed by Matt and April then Kol and Bonnie after them was Elijah and Kathrine then the Best man and Maid of Honor Stefan and Rebekah. Watching them walk down waiting for their turn Mikael looked to Caroline "You look Beautiful my dear, and know you'd had issue with your father but I know he is here with us proud of the women you've become."

"Thank you" she said trying to hold back tears as one escaped her. Michael whipped it away, looking back down where the aisle had cleared leaving Klaus staring down to his beautiful bride with tears in his eyes. "You ready?"

"It feel like I've been waiting my entire life for this, let go."

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