A New Normal?

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Chapter 37

Caroline arrived at midnight and let herself right in after texteting Kol to make sure the door was unlocked so she could surprise Klaus. As she reached Klaus bedroom door she took a deep breath this would be the first time she has seen Klaus since. She knocked on the door. "Kol what is it now? I though you were leaving to that girls house?" Caroline didn't answer and just knocked again. "Dude just come in." Holding back a laugh she just knocked a third time. "Damn it Kol" he yelled as he flung the door open. "Caroline!"

"Not the person you were expecting?" She questioned flirtatiously.

"No much better, to what do I owe this pleasure?" He smirks.

"You don't want me to answer that." He looked at her inquisitively.

"Lets just say Stefan is spending the night. So can I stay here?"

"Of course" he moved to the side allowing her to enter his bed room "in this short time i've grown accustom to having you sleep in my arms."

"Me too."

Caroline put her bag down on the dresser and sat down on the chair next to his desk. "So what are your plans tomorrow?" She asked looking around at his art supplies all over the room.

"Nothing really why?"

"I was thinking we should start planing this wedding."

"We can talk about some details but certain things are already decided."

"Oh? Like what?"

"The church, the venue for the reception. Its a Mikaelson Family thing, My parents got married there All my siblings who are married got married there so we are a bit obligated if its going to be taken seriously. And then I am planing a surprise honeymoon."

"But we can still decided the color scheme, I can pick out my wedding dress and Rebekah's hideous brides maid dress?"

"Why do women always pick out ugly dresses?"

"So no one looks better then them, and honestly if I wasn't so sure your mother is going to talk me into putting Aurora in our wedding I'd pick better dresses but that redheaded monster does deserve to look good on our day."

"She will not be in our wedding I promise you that." Caroline smiled widely "Are you sure? I don't want to start a war with your parents."

"Its fine love, my father does not like her anyhow, and we are already giving into the Mikaelson wedding traditions so my mother will have to deal with it."

Caroline and Klaus share a look and it seemed like he was going to ask her about last night when her phone rang.


REBEKAH: Hey girl did you leave? Why?

CAROLINE: Well the two of you were very loud.

REBEKAH: OH MY GOD i'm so sorry we are just so use to be at his place where there are no roommates.

CAROLINE: No no its ok its both of our apartment you enjoy your night alone with him.

Caroline looked at Klaus and laughed "sorry you had to hear that about your sister."

"Honestly I've heard worse Stefan is my best friend and tells me stories forgetting that is girlfriend is my little sister. Enough about that I'm pretty beat and ready for bed, you?"

"Yeah just let me get change and wash my face" she said leaving for the attached bathroom taking her bag with her.

Caroline washed her face then took a deep breath and remove her dress revealing a light green halter top babydoll lingerie set, it was lace over the bust as well as the panties. When Caroline entered the room Klaus was no where to be found, So she decided to look through Klaus book collection. About three minutes later Klaus walked back into the room "Sorry I disappeared I just wanted to make sure Kol locked the door on his way ouuut. Well look at you?"

"What this?" She questioned as she slowly turned for him

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"What this?" She questioned as she slowly turned for him. "I picked this up today while I was out?"

"And here I was worried you regretted last night."

Caroline walked to him not taking her eyes off of him and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. "Does that clear things up for you?" Instead of answering Klaus kissed her again and lifted her up and held her against the wall. She warped her legs around his waist so she wouldn't fall down. He then started kissing down her neck as Caroline let out a moan. Klaus then slowly carried her to the bed and laid her down, he quickly removed his clothes before joining her on as he planted kisses up and down her body. As he reached her womanhood her removed her damp panties with his teeth. He sat up and his eyes ranked over her amazing body. "Where have you been all my life?"

"Right outside your door" she teased him as she held his lips to hers. They simultaneously let out a gasp when Klaus entered her for the first time this evening. He started out slow as he rocked himself in and out of her. Caroline whispered "faster" as she practicality begged him to bring her to her bliss. Klaus gladly obeys her request and in no time the couple both react they nirvana.

They lay next to each other trying to catch their breath. Caroline stand up goes to his closet and pulls out one of his shirt pulling it on after removing the lingerie top. She found her underwear from where Klaus through them and put them back on. As she made her way back to the bed he pulled the cover back so she could join him. As she laid down he pulled her to cuddle on his chest.

"Maybe we should start looking for a house tomorrow" he suggested.

"So we can do this every night?" She questioned as a joke.

"Well if you want to I'm down for it. I really don't think that I'd be able to sleep without you in my arms, I like being you big spoon Caroline."

"Oh really, who would have known."

"Its a new found delight love."

"If your serious about find a home, I have something to show you tomorrow but no questions just have faith in me."

"Ok, love but please don't get her murdered."

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