The Reception

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Chapter 60

After walking down the aisle as husband and wife for the first time, they took pictures with the wedding party, Klaus's parents, and Caroline's mother. The hour long photo shoot was finished and the happy couple were finally alone in the car. "Your vows were beautiful Nik, I hope you didn't mind me borrowing some lines."

"No problem, what's mine is your."

Caroline kissed him on the cheek as a thank you. "Before we make our grand entrance I need to change."

"Two dresses? How much did my father pay for this wedding?"

"Haha. I picked this dress because your mother liked it. All my friend love being around my mom and while we were dress shopping Esther seemed left out so I decided to get the dress she picked out. I mean I look great in it anyway, now she cant complain about the wedding photos. However its not the dress I want to party in."

Klaus pulled Caroline into a gentle sweet kiss. He looked at her in wonder, how could a women like her be with him? Doing something so kind for a women who she knows isn't her biggest fan.

"Nik?" Caroline asked shaking him to get his attention. "Sorry love, what is it?"

"we are here. Are you ok?"

"Yeah just amazed how your with me. But enough about that lets see that party dress."

They stepped out of the limo hand in hand and walked toward the side entrance so Caroline could switch dresses. Klaus sat in the room while a team of ladies he had met on a minutes ago speedily undress and redressed his wife. Once they had step away from her he was able to see the second dress.

Caroline blushed as his eyes raked up and down her body

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Caroline blushed as his eyes raked up and down her body. "So what do you think?"

"Somehow you are even more beautiful then before." He held arm out for her to take as he escorted her down to their waiting guests. They stood in front of large white double doors. Klaus looked over to Caroline just as she turned to meet his gaze. His smiled widened and he leaned over giving her a kiss on the cheek. Then the large double doors opened and as the new couple walked in the DJ announced

Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Mr and Mrs Niklaus Mikaelson

The walked into the room and all the guest stood and applauded them. Klaus looked around amazed in Caroline and his sisters vision to come to life.

 Klaus looked around amazed in Caroline and his sisters vision to come to life

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They had made their way to the sweetheart table and dinner was served to them. The sweetheart table was one of the only request Klaus had. He knew that he wasn't going to get much alone time with Caroline during the reception so he refused to let people eat this them. 

Rebekah tried to talk him out of it and having the wedding party sit with them at the table but he would not budge

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Rebekah tried to talk him out of it and having the wedding party sit with them at the table but he would not budge. Rebekah is the reason why he didn't want to share the table in the first place. Her being Caroline's maid of honor would mean that she would be sitting right next to Caroline talking her ear off the entire time, taking up all of Caroline's attention. Klaus wanted her undivided attention for as long as he could have it. He is crazy about her and wants to be near her all the time but once the music starts and they finish their first dance he knows there will be no pulling Caroline and Bekah off the dance floor until they leave for the honeymoon.

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