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Chapter 28

Klaus sat at his desk waiting for his mother to speak. If she could not acknowledge his fiancee then he would not acknowledge her. Ester waited about ten minutes before addressing her son. "Niklaus do you think its a great idea to have your lover visit you at work?"

"She is going to be my wife she can visit me when it please her. She also worked her for five years she was training Chris on how to do that job the way I've come accustom too it, the way I like it." 

"How nice" she rolled her eyes as her son talked about Caroline with respect. "I just thought you should be aware that she recently wrote a check for Twenty Five Thousand dollars. I find it very interesting that the two of you are newly engaged and she is spending thousands, something she never done before. It would be one thing is she went and upgraded that drab clothing style of hers. But no she goes and writes a personal check to a man named Jake Killian."

"Well Ester she is a grown ass adult and can spend her money on what ever she'd like. She sold her apartment and had the money to spend so whats it too you?"

"I am just looking out for my son."

"Ester no matter what you find I am going to marry Caroline, I love her" Klaus informed her honestly even if he was unaware of it at the time. Maybe he was aware and he was just to scared to admit it to himself.With a serious tone she replied "Than you are a fool."

"Good day mother" he bid her farewell holding the office door open for her to leave.

As Klaus sat in his desk thinking to himself, why Ester is this heartless and materialistic woman who only cares about a persons social status and the size of their bank account. If only she knew that Caroline is putting he life on hold to help keep her son in this country then would she be so rude and judgemental? Most likely. She had been this way as long as he could remember. She must have been different when she was younger, Klaus couldn't not see his father marrying someone who only cared about objects. He made a mental note to ask his father next him the were alone at the smoke lounge. Klaus shock these thoughts out of his head and focus on this work load.

Married to Money   (A Klaroline FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now