In Her Room part 1

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Chapter 22

"Looks like we are having a sleepover, might as well get comfortable" she smiled at him as she went into the attached bathroom to change. Caroline came back into the room in a small pair of shorts and a tight tank top with her hair in a messy bun. "So what do you want to do to pass the time?" Klaus asked her. "We can play questions to get to know each other better" she suggested. "Sounds good, ladies first." Caroline smiled as they sat on her bed to get relaxed. "So you are the third eldest son why are you being groomed to take over the family business? Why not Finn or Elijah?"

"When I was in college it was Finn who my father wanted to take over the business when he decided to retire, but then everything happened with he and Aurora. Though my mother didn't care much my father did, he thought if you can do something like that to your own brother you cannot be trust in business. Elijah really doesn't want to run the company, never has and my father understood that. So the responsibility fell to me."

"I was wondering what your father thought about what Finn did being married as long as he has."

"Yeah well Caroline I don't know how much he values his marriage but he really values being truthful and being noble to your family." Caroline nodded her head in understanding.

"Speaking of fathers how come you don't have any pictures of him around here?" Klaus inquired being it was now his turn. With sadness in her voice "My father was a cold judgmental man. He always pushed me to be the best at everything. He never cheered me on or even smiled at me or even smiled at me or told me he loved me. He lied to my mother about how much your father paid him as a salary. So much so that she rejoined the police force. Come to find out after his funeral when we met his other wife and child that he had been giving them most of his weekly pay. She was able to stay at home to raise her son" Caroline finished as she whispered a tear away from her eye. "Wow love, I had no idea. He was always so nice and kind when we were around." After that comment she started crying more. Pulling her into a hug "love I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry."

"It's not you everyone else who knew him always says he was nice and kind but to his first child & wife he could not be, so what did we do to him to make him so cold?"

Still hugging her and now stroking her hair "Shh love its ok you are an amazing, kind,caring, loving woman if he couldn't see that its his loss." She stopped crying wiped the tears away from her face. "Your right" taking a deep breathe she continued "I guess its my turn to ask you a question."

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