Bachelor Party

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Chapter 48

Klaus was sitting in the apartment bored, it had only been a few hours since Caroline had left and it was about 20 more hours or so before he could talk to her. He had already tried to watch tv but watching HGTV without Caroline just seemed pointless. It use to annoy him when they would watch and she'd ask "so if you were doing this project what would you do?" Now watching it without her questioning him which would lead them to pausing the show as he walked her through his entire plan of the remodel made him feel lonelier then he ever has before. Klaus decided to started ordering some materials for the remodel of their house. Klaus got lost into making plans and ordering materials and scheduling inspection that hours had past by. Stefan and let himself in at with food from Delany's "Hey man Larry said to tell you he is still waiting for his wedding invite."

Klaus picked up the phone called Chris "Please take a wedding invitation down to Larry at Delany's and apologize that it is so late, Caroline and I have just been dealing with a lot."

"I didn't think you were gonna do it now."

"Why? Its already late don't want to waste anymore time. Larry is so kind, Caroline and myself both are very fond of him."

"Yeah I get that. So what is all this?" Stefan questioned pointing to the table where large floor plans and Klaus's laptop.

"I was just making plans to start the remodel on the house Care bought us."

"Dude your like seriously talented."

"Thanks man, Its my passion. I never been with someone who cares about what I enjoy. She spent her entire saving on this house for me. I've fallen really hard for her and I don't know mate I fee like maybe I should call off this wedding and go to England and work on getting my visa renewed from there, so I can just have a normal relationship with Caroline."

"I get that man, but your families are aware and the public knows and she would be humiliated."

"I know, Its just difficult to start our life together on a lie. Since the moment I seen her I thought she was beautiful and then I started to get to know her and for the first time since Aurora broke my heart I felt it jump. My father and Bekah always threatened me to stay away from her and honestly I didn't listen. I asked her out a few time she always said no. That is why I picked her for this but I never thought I'd fall madly in love with her and want to actually spend the rest of my life with her and have children with her. Now if I do get that what am I suppose to let my children when they asked how we got together?"

Before Stefan could answer Kol and Matt flew through the door. "Pack some bags boys we are going to Vegas" they wailed in unison. Stefan and Klaus tried to argue but it was no use. Two hours later Klaus, Stefan, Matt, and Kol were on a plane. Elijah did not go because he had no desire to be in Vegas and Finn was not invited as Klaus and he only were in rooms together if they had to be.

As the plane took off Klaus had realize that he left his phone on the charge in his room. He asked Kol to message Caroline so she knew what was going on once they landed. The first night there the boys dragged him out to a strip club they were all have a good time until a stripper dance a little to close to Klaus and surprised him with a kiss on the lips, he quickly backed away and left in a cab back to the hotel.

By the time he woke up the next afternoon the pictures were all other the internet, with terrible headline about him and Caroline. He spent the rest of the trip hiding in the hotel room away from everyone. 

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