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Chapter 34

Caroline and Klaus took an Uber back to Caroline and Bekah's apartment. Caroline was sat very close to Klaus with a hand rested on his thigh but the couple didn't speak to each other. When they entered the apartment Caroline and Klaus both kicked off their shoes as per the house rules. Klaus leaned over the kitchen island with his head in his hand while Caroline got some water from the fridge. "I'm happy that you ended up at the same bar tonight."

"Yeah? Sure I didn't fuck up girls night?"

"Are you mad at me Klaus?"

"Not mad, just confused. You said you wanted a girls night but then Matt is with you and you spend the night dancing with Kol. It seems like you just wanted to be away from me? Is this what our marriage will be you spending time with any guy who isnt me?"

"No Nik that's not it. Any guy who I will never ever see myself sleeping with is welcome to girls night."

"Kol had feeling for you, he might still. I didn't know until we were already in this. So how is he welcome to girls night?"

"Because I have no intention on fucking your brother i'm not her. I was unaware of his little crush so in the future I will keep that in mind and act accordingly."

"Sorry I know your not. Thanks love I really appreciate that."

"To be honest Klaus I was trying to avoid you a little bit. I find myself drawn to you. It has been a really long time for me since I've been inmate with anyone. I get attached I'm not the kind of girl who just sleeps around with out emotions and I know what this is I know that it will end. I'm just trying to protect my heart the best I can."

Klaus took a deep breath " I understand love. I'm sorry that this is so hard on you, but there is still time to back out. We aren't married yet."

"No thats not what I want, not at all. Sometimes I'm gonna need me time or time away from you and when that happens what I need from you is not to rethink this or the commitment that I'm making to you. Ok?"


"Great I'm gonna go change I'll be right out."

Caroline step into her room and was looking through her PJ when she came across a new lingerie set that Rebekah gifted her from Bekah's upcoming line. It was a floral shorts and a bralette with lace on the bottom. Caroline knew what she wanted she had been denying that pull to him for so long and tonight she was done. She knew it was the small amount of alcohol she consumed telling her to letting her to have her way with him and deal with the emotional damage next year and right now it sounded like a damn good idea as Caroline's mind kept replaying that bar argument when he staked him claim on her verbally and she craved for the physical claim he owned her.

As she left the bedroom she found Klaus on the couch in his signature henley and jeans.

"Nik I wanted to thank you for defending me from that big guy at the bar tonight. I don't know what I would have done without you."

"Don't mention it love, Its just part of my fiance duties."

Caroline stepped in front of the TV allowing him to take in her wardrobe change. As his eyes raked up her body slowly his mouth when dry.

"It was very enticing they way you kissed my neck tonight

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"It was very enticing they way you kissed my neck tonight."

"Was it?" Klaus asked as he stood up from his seat on the couch, running it fingers ever so lightly up her arm leaving goose bump in the wake.

"It was and the way you held my waist so possessively I kinda wanted you to hoist me up on the bar and take me right there" she informed him as her finger lightly trace his jaw line.

"Caroline I'm a bit confused, you just told me that being intimate with me would be too much for you to handle but now your eye and words are saying something different" In a low aroused voice Klaus questioned.

Caroline played with the hem at the bottom of his shirt looking down at her hand "I know, I'm sorry. What I said earlier is still true. I just want you so badly I have since our first kiss. Can't we just be together tonight and deal with the rest tomorrow?"

"Well you don't buy a car without test driving it first" Klaus joked.

Making intense eye contact with Klaus "Don't you worry I can handle it" she informed him as she ran her hand into his pants lightly stroking him. Klaus's lips slammed into hers. Caroline locked her arms behind his neck deepening the kiss. Klaus lifted Caroline from the ground by her behind while running his hand into the shorts were he was pleasantly surprised to find she had no panties on under the shorts. Caroline locked her legs at his hips while he walked them to her room.

When the door closed behind them Caroline pulled away. Klaus looked at her confused. "Start stripping Mikaelson, you have way to much close on."

"As you wish." While Klaus was removing his clothing Caroline took their phones and turned them off. Klaus looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she stalked toward him "I don't want any interruptions" she told him as she led him to her bed. Caroline lowered her body on to the bed sliding into the center. Klaus crawled over her while his hand roamed her silk skin. "I've though about this moment for so long" he informed her in between kisses. "Its only been a month since we started this."

"I wanted you long before this Caroline" he confessed as his hand slipped under her shorts and into her waiting wet body. This action caused Caroline to let out a deep breath and moan in excitement. Klaus withdrew his fingers from her and rid her body of the shorts Caroline took the opportunity to remove his boxers leaving him in all of his glory on top of her. "That a story your gonna have to tell me later" She told Klaus while nibbling on his ear. "Anything you want I'm at your mercy."

With Klaus making Caroline know she was in control she flipped them over now straddling Klaus as his member hit the outside of her waiting womanhood begin for entrance. Caroline shifted her hips prepared to take Nicklaus large penis into her wait love lips, he place a hand on her hips stopping her. "Shouldn't we get protection first?" Caroline slowly slid her self around his hungry cock "No need I'm on the pill."

Klaus grown at just how tight Caroline felt around him. "Your so tight baby I don't want to hurt you."

She started to rock back and forth "I can take it." With his classic smirk his fingers found their way to her clit caressing it gently "Oh, Nik" she moaned loudly and removed her bra freeing her perky breast. This confirmation of pleasure cause Klaus to pick up the tempo as he did that she started bouncing up and down on him riding him in to a quick release. "Care.. baby I"m going to come already" he moaned as he poured into her. His confession and flick of his finger pulled Caroline into her first non-self caused orgasm in 3 years.

Her sweaty body rolled off of his laying next to him as she ran her fingers through his now wet hair. "I'm a bit out of practice but that was amazing."

"Yes, love it was. I've never come so quickly in my life."

"Stop your making me blush." Caroline looked at the Alarm clock. "Oh no its already three in the morning you'll have to be up at work in three hours, I guess no round two then."

Klaus rolled over on top or Caroline kissing her lips trailing down to her neck "I'll just quit" causing Caroline to giggle.

"Claim down there tiger you'd need to recharge anyway. Now come here and be the big spoon I like to cuddle."

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