A Kiss

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Chapter 6

Now finished with her shower a clothed but very wet Caroline jumped into Klaus's arms hugging him as he reentered the living room. "What's this for?" He questioned holding her in the middle of the living room. "I'm just so excited, we pulled it off, they think we are in love" she exclaimed in a big smile. He spun her around. Once the room stopped spinning their eyes were locked on each other's. Caroline's hands became sweaty and her mouth dry. Before she knew it her lips slammed into his. He met her slightly aggressive lip lock with much ferocity. A small dainty moan left Caroline.

"Gross, hello you have a house guess can you stop swapping spit" exclaimed Rebekah. "Bekah you are early" Caroline exclaimed with red embarrassed still being held by Klaus. "Are you almost ready?"

"Yes I just need to dry my hair."

"Let me escort you" Klaus offered moving Caroline form the front hold and flipped her over his shoulders. She let out a giggle and started slapping him butt "Nik pull me down."

"As you wish" he said as he flopped her on their bed. Falling on to his back next to her both giggling. "I could live in this bed all day" Caroline prompted adding "I wonder how many other women said that?"

"None I assure I replaced the mattress the only two people who have and ever will use this one will be me and you." She smiles as she rose to from the bed toward the bathroom to finish getting ready. "I'm not sure if I should be flattered that you thought about that for disgusted that it had to be done" she laughed. As he followed her "be flattered" with answered with a laugh.  Her checks turned red while she was blow drying her hair. "How hot is this thing?" Klaus questioned putting his hand in front of it. "Not to hot why?"

"Your checks are red. Oh wait are you blushing?"

"NO..maybe I can help it you are quite handsome when your smiling and not a broody and angry" she giggled blushing again.

"And me smiling and being happy is a rare sight is it?" He questions slowly getting closer to her.

"You forget that im use to seeing you after meeting with the board when your all angry and determined which don't get me wrong that is a very sexy look on you." She was rambling not even realize what she was saying.

"Handsome and sexy you think highly of me don't you" he joked with his smirk still slowly advancing toward her. She was unable to answer his question she just looked away trying to hide her once again blushing cheek. He gently put his hand to her chin slowly moving her face so their eyes were connected "I think highly of you as well Caroline" he said going in for a kiss.

Just before their lips met Bekah pounded on the door "You two better not be in their making out while Im here waiting." Caroline looked down "Coming."

"You better be talking to me" Bekah exclaimed outside the door. "Don't be so gross."   Caroline leaned up and kissed Klaus on the cheek "too be continued" with that she was gone with Bekah.

It had been an hour since Caroline and Bekah had left to get dresses. He was sitting at his desk with his hand in his head, even thought he had taken the day off of work he decided to do a little work from home. A knock came at him door. Knowing it could only be someone with a key card "enter" he bellowed. His best friend Stefan walked through the door and flopped on the small couch. "I was expecting to see your fiancee."

"She and Rebekah are out getting dresses and then will be getting ready at her apartment for our engagement announcement party."

"Ahh so I will be able to have a conversation with her then?"

"Who? Caroline?" Stefan shook his head making him aware that he in fact did want to speak with Caroline. "To say what?"

"To offer a helping hand since I'm the only one who knows about this arrangement and you my dear friend can be a bit much to handle sometimes."

"That really kind of you but she will be telling Rebekah so she will have my sister to complain about me too."

"Perfect" Stefan stated. "So has the happy couple sent any time together?"

"Yes we went out for dinner last night and she spent the night."

"Klaus I though you said it wasn't going to be like that."

"Nothing happened we watch TV until she fell asleep on the couch my brother Kol came over and freaked out it seems he has a bit of a crush on her. We slept and had breakfast with Elijah and Kathrine." As he explained his prior events a smile crept on to this face. "And?" Stefan questioned knowing something else happened. "After my brother and his wife left she was excited that they believed us she jumped in my arms for a hug, and she kissed me."

"So you will be kissing each other a lot."

"Yeah to fool others but you see Stef no one was here to fool. She kissed me because she wanted to."

"Klaus you are not falling for this girl are you?"

"No but it would be nice if I didn't have to be celibate for an entire year" He lied know that sex with Caroline or any type of sensual gesture would always be full on emotions and feelings. "Don't go getting attached this is only for a year."

"I know that mate."

"so she is going to meet your parents today, poor girl."

"she has already met my father from my understanding he is fond of her."

"And your mother doesn't like anyone so who cares." Stefan joked. He raised to leave "So those contract are filed and now legally binding once you two are married so will be the prenup, good idea on that by the way."

"That was all Caroline."

"I like her already. Alright ill get out of your way. I'll see you tonight."

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