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Chapter 63 

Klaus and Caroline had been in the limo for around twenty minutes and Klaus could feel Caroline's curiosity rolling off of her. "Are you going to ask?" He finally questioned her. Caroline hates surprises and the fact that Klaus planed their entire honeymoon without any information to Caroline was making her go crazy, the only detail he gave her was what the weather is like so she knew what to pack. "Why should I bother? If I ask you where you are taking me your answer will be its a surprise" she responded finishing her statement off with a terrible British accent. "Maybe if you guess I'll tell you think of it as a wedding gift my love." Caroline perked up in her seat, "Ok, you already told me it is a warmer climate so that helps narrow it down." Caroline was then quiet for 5 minutes or so then started rattling off guesses "Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas, Bora Bora, Australia, Hawaii?"

"No." Before she could continue to guess they had arrived at their apartment. It took the couple twice as long to walk up due to the fact the Caroline kept tripping over her dress. They walked in and Caroline beeline right to her room to change. Twenty minutes later she met Klaus in the living room, he had changed out of his suite and was in low hanging sweatpants waiting with two glasses of champagne. She let out a big sigh which caught his attention. "Why do you look so tempting?"

"What? I'm just in some pajamas"

Oh, just pajamas? We agreed that we were not having sex until the honeymoon and here you are looking like sex on legs trying to seduce me and I look like a frumpy loser." Caroline gestured to her hair in a messy bun and a oversized men shirt that she wore often. "You look very sex like that Caroline not frumpy at all."

Sure" she laughed. "How long have you had that shirt? Where did you get it?"

"I don't know Klaus years probably I just remember always having it." Klaus sat down on the couch and tapped on the space next to him for Caroline to sit. "Come here sweetheart and let me tell you a story."

"What story?"

"Remember when we first had sex and I said I wanted you for so long and you told me I'd have to tell you about it sometime? Well its sometime."

Excited to hear this Caroline snuggled into her seat on the couch. "It was my first summer being single and was the first time in years that I had spent time at the families summer house in The Hamptons. Normally I would spent the summers with Stefan but that year he was spending the summer with his family since his brother was getting married. One weekend Bekah came to visit and brought her best friend with her. Her and this best friend were at one of the local bars that Elijah and I happened to be at. They joined a wet T-shirt contest, I'm not sure how because they were only 19 and shouldn't have even been in that bar. Elijah and I knew this and didn't want to see out sister in that contest so we tried to make our way to the stage. The large crowd of rowdy guys wouldn't allow it and when we finally got to the front Bekah had already been drenched with water. I looked up and as I did her friend was being drenched, it was like I was living in slow motion, it was the first time since everything with Aurora that I got aroused. I was in a dazed until Lijah yelled my name when I looked over at him he had Bekah over his shoulder so I did the same with her friend. Once we got outside I took two of the gym shirts I had in my bag and made them change. Her friend looks so unbelievable sexy in my shirt, unfortunately they left that night so I didn't get to talk to her friend. 8 months later my father hired me a new secretary and threatened my life if I perused any type of relationship with her, of course it was my sisters friend. 5 years that women sat right outside of my office and not one single day went by that I didn't think she was the sexiest women I have ever laid eyes on. So when I needed to marry someone so I couldn't think of anyone else but her. One day she ate street tacos and got sick so I brought her soup from her favorite diner and when she woke up she was wearing a shirt I gave her 6 years before. I had though I was falling for her before that day but when I seen her in that shirt 6 years later wearing it when she wasn't feeling her best, needing it to help comfort her I knew that she was it for me. I'm so happy that I got the chance to fall in love with that beautiful women, I'm happy that she is my wife, so like I said before Caroline that shirt does not make you look frumpy it didn't 6 years ago and it sure as hell doesn't now."

Caroline sat staring at Klaus with tears in her eyes. "I wish I had a 6 years story like that, but I want you to know that I found you sexy the moment I first saw you, It was not to long after Bekah moved in with my mom and I she had a was putting up picture of your family. There was one of all the Mikaelson kids and you stood out so much. I had asked her about her super hot brother and that is when she told me about his long term girlfriend who he was gonna be proposing to that summer. After the family dinner that you proposed you Aurora at and she came back home telling how big of a mistake you were making, she begged me to break the two of you up said that you and I would be magic together. At the time I obviously though she was crazy, you were engaged and I was really invested in my relationship with Enzo, but every time he and I had a fight I'd question if we were magic. I actually talked to him once after I ran to New York it was the day before I started as your secretary, I told him that I had to go because we weren't magic and we never had been that I think I knew it all along but I was too afraid to admit it to myself. The next day while I was setting in you asked if I needed anything I said no and you responded with the word magic, looking back at it now it was a weird way to respond but that day all I remember was feeling electricity run through my body when you said that word. Now after 5 years of getting to know you and falling so damn hard for you I know we are magic, that Rebekah was right."

Klaus pulled Caroline in for a passionate kiss, one that sent electricity running through both of their bodies. He slowly pulled away and wiped the tear for her face. "Lets not tell Rebekah about being right or will never hear the end of it." The couple both laughed at Klaus small joke before relaxing back into the couch watching HGTV and enjoying some champagne before heading to get to catch some sleep before they had to leave to the airport the next afternoon. 

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