In Hindsight.

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If I'd met you sooner,
I would have been stronger.
With a reason, a lover,
It would have been so much easier
To soldier on.
You were the light at the end
Of the tunnel,
But I was blind-
If I'd seen it any sooner,
I know
That I never would have given up.
Why didn't I see it before?
Now that I look back,
Those years were squandered in vain-
My sadness laid waste to my spirit,
And my spirit abandoned my soul.
What for, I wonder?
If a captain abandons his ship,
He remains a captain,
Just of a ship that has sunk.
Hindsight declares the obvious:
Fighting to the death
Would've been a better way to die
Than fleeing like a rat
Confronted with a trap.
Yes, I survived-
But at what cost?
I was too weak to love you,
Too intent on surviving
That I forgot how to live.
That merciless hindsight heckles me-
Whatever I was clinging to
Ruined me,
And thus has ruined whatever hope
I had of being loved
By you.

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