Clovette XXI

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My darling accomplice,
In tow yet blameless,
Hanging on every
Word that I say.
Lost in the reverie
Of it all,
She aids and abets,
Witness to this sin;
How I enthral
Her mind and body
Without regrets,
Instructing her to do
The unholiest of things,
Seizing social taboo
As part of the rush,
Legs spread upon the altar,
Wrists bound in strings,
She cries out for more
When I falter,
Thighs quaking
Upon my shoulders,
I cannot bring myself to ignore
The delicacy before me;
The groundbreaking
Beauty, the adrenaline thumping
Through our bodies -
It is as though
The earth is shaking
Beneath us, like we
Are the centre of the universe;
As though nothing exists
Aside from her and me.

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