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I feel such warmth inside as she lays beside me,
Her sweet head against my breast,
Muzzle upon my collarbone,
The tickle of whiskers against my neck.
Her nose is wet against my chin,
And she rests so easily beside me.
She brings such joy, such fun,
Undying loyalty and infinite love.
All I can promise in return is to keep her safe,
Watching, smiling, as she snores.
I know not what I'd do without her;
I'd give her half of my lifetime so we could live it together,
Perhaps it would only be about thirty years,
But we'd walk in the woods, on beaches, and find
The perfect stick,
She'd chase all the birds that she could ever want to chase.
There'd be treats galore, tug-of-war,
And she'd sit for hours on the sofa, because she loves
To watch the traffic through the window.
Her love is infectious, the antidote to my darkness,
And I have forced myself to keep going
Just on her behalf.
She has saved my life, and I wish I could tell her
In a way that she'd understand.
I wish it were easy to explain just how she has rescued me -
I would try, but I just want to savour this moment
Because I know it can't last.

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