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Seaweed stranded
By the retreating tide,
Suddenly I am
High and dry.
I wilt, I wither -
How I wish
I could weep,
But there is no
Left within sight,
Let alone prepared
To fall
From these eyes;
To rinse out
The sand.
It is a beach,
But it feels
Like a desert.
I am nowhere, nothing -
Even if my mouth
Was not filled with sand,
I would still
Have nothing to say.
My mind,
My soul,
Are scorched -
I cannot think.
It is as though
I am the beach;
Like those jagged
Little grains
Of golden sand
Have crept around
My eyeballs,
Down my throat,
And seized this body
From the inside
I don't know how
To coax them
Back out.
I am the mundane,
The mundane is now
Me: I will not fight it -
Each time
I have tried to cough
The sand from
My lungs,
More has poured in;
More dust,
That - up close -
Is beige,
Not golden;
Not silken.
I don't know when
The tide will
Return for me,
But I am dying,
Withering into
Rotting into the ground.
All I know
Is that I am alive,
That I am dying,
That I will soon
Be dead.
This pain will keep me
Awake a little longer,
And I cling
To my suffering
Like the frightened creature
I am.
I long to live
Til the tide retrieves me,
Sweeps me back
To glory,
But I just don't know
Whether I can.

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