Where Were You?

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Everything you wanted, I gave:
The love, the money, my time when you wanted it,
And my thoughts when you didn't.
I never denied you, I listened, I cried for you.
I cared so deeply
That I felt your pain;
My heart bled, as did the veins on my wrists,
Ravaged again...
Where were you then?
You answer your phone when you feel so inclined,
And my feelings are minimised,
Pushed aside, or trampled underfoot -
When you were upset, I did anything
I could,
But when the tables had turned,
Where were you then?
Your responses were dismissive, often too late,
And so evidently thoughtless -
You didn't treat anyone else this way.
As the weeks went by, my worth ebbed away,
And when I mentioned it to you,
You promised to change.
Perhaps you did, for a few days,
But here I am, once again.
I've been holding you, hosting you,
Giving you whatever you ask for, occasionally more,
But where are you now?
It hurts so profoundly -
I cannot get used to it, and I must know
Whether your proclamations of love
Have been true.
The tears still have not stopped falling,
But I have told you that this is the end:
Unless you truly can change,
This will forever be the end -
I sit here and question whether you will look back
And ponder
Where you were and what you were doing
When our world broke down.

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