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He'd said that he would always be honest;
That was the one thing, if nothing else,
He'd always be to me, and I believed him.
So I suppose I believed it too, when he said that
He loved me and he wanted me.
He said that he'd try to do his best by me,
But perhaps I wasn't the fool just yet -
Maybe I trusted him because we were together;
Because I should have been able to.
Even the first time that I asked him to treat me
A little better than he had been,
Perhaps it was fair to believe him when he agreed,
But somewhere between the second, third and fourth time,
Maybe I was a fool for believing him -
A fool for believing the same promises time and time again.
Perhaps I didn't want to accept it.
If he had promised that he would always be honest
And yet acted this way,
That promise had never meant anything: how many
More lies had there been?
It seems harsh to call them lies, I know,
But how many things had he said simply for convenience?
Did he ever love me at all,
Or was I just being used?

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