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I cry
To heal -
Emotions must be permitted
To ebb and flow,
To rise and fall
As the tide does.
To process is an ongoing act,
As is acceptance, as is forgiveness -
As is
Blood surges through
The body,
Oxygen through the lungs,
Tears from the eyes -
It is natural,
Yet one must learn
Not to be ashamed.
To learn is, too, an ongoing act:
Ebbing, flowing,
Bringing beautiful treasures
To shore
So that the people
May move them even beyond
The horizon, so they
May sparkle
And bedazzle
Folks who have never even seen
The sea.
They may be shared,
Shown, kept for oneself ,
Stashed away -
One must follow
Their heart
To heal;
Follow it through the darkness,
The rain, the storm -
Follow the tide
As it ebbs and flows,
Leaving treasures
As yet untold.

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