It Will Change Us All.

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You're not gone forever,
But things can never be the same.
It has changed you,
And it will change us all.
I feel your weight upon the mattress,
I can see
How the light catches your dark eyes...
I whisper to you,
And you reply.
I call to you,
And I know you are never far away.
We can both talk about new beginnings,
How death is the next chapter of life,
Not the end.
Nonetheless, we are close enough
To recognise one another's sadness;
You can taste the salt of the tears
On my face;
I can feel the uncertainty
That ties your stomach in knots.
There is no solution,
Just an acceptance that finding our rhythm
Again will take time.
Of that, we should have plenty,
Perhaps we do not.
Perhaps I shall be with you soon;
Sooner than we can comprehend.
Then again, it could take one hundred years
For me to pass.
How can we know
How much time we'll need,
And how much of that time we'll get?
Nobody is gone forever,
But we leave old husks behind
As time pulls us forwards.

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