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Am I selfish for feeling pain
When you are the one bleeding?
These tears are clouding my vision,
And you're wasting your dying breath
Uttering a joke in the hopes of making me smile.
It's too late, I know- there's nothing
Anybody could do.
I want to hold you, help you,
Look into your eyes and have you know
That you're safe...
My sweet one, I want to keep you safe.
It's taken me so long to admit that I am powerless,
That my determination amounts to nothing;
It would require nothing short of divine intervention
To restore the duet of your heartbeat and your breath.
Will you forgive me, for having nothing to say
Than mumbling "It's alright" over and over,
Through an onslaught of tears,
As you slip away?
Can you excuse the fact that this is the one time
I've failed to be brave;
That I, the wordsmith, had no words to say
As you ran out of blood to bleed.

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