Another One.

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And it starts again,
I've found another one -
Since I lost 'the one',
And before I found him, too,
Things have always gone
The same way.
I find myself drawn
To somebody
Who needs me,
Who needs somebody
To show them what they're worth.
I pick them up,
Show them my favourite places,
Dance to my favourite song,
Wipe their tears,
Turn up to dates with a box
Of chocolates and a bouquet.
Some of them take
A few months,
Others take years,
But the end always comes
When they have realised that I
Am the bare minimum
Of what they could have.
I am a stepping stone,
Another brick in the wall -
I can never believe in
The promise of forever:
I suppose my 'forever'
Has already been and gone,
And I am just left with all this time.
It is all just a sad smile,
The confetti that still lays on the stage
Once the crowds have left
And the theatre doors are locked.
I wish I could resent it,
But I soon see another,
And I just can't refrain from starting again.
I have travelled as far as I can,
And I now just tell others the way -
I lead them as far as I can,
And sometimes I peer over the horizon
Just so that I can see their smiles
And remember why it is
That I'm still alive.

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