Jack V

6 1 0

There are things I love within everyone,
And you are no exception:
It's so difficult to know where to start.
The poet within me longs to default
To beloved - yet stale - praise
Of your eyes, how spectacularly they shine
In the light;
To say that your smile is perfect,
And it is a privilege to be permitted
To taste it -
Whilst it's true, it isn't quite enough.
There are infinite metaphors
I have used before, to describe
Beautiful bodies much like yours:
A Greek god, a statue, the means by which
I justify sin...
Perhaps it's too much, but I am drunk
On your laughter,
Warm within your arms,
Yearning to let you know that what you are
Will always be enough;
Trying to convince you, quietly,
That you are a good man,
A delight to be around.

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