For Your Son.

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I don't know what to say to you;
Not even the thoughts running through my mind make sense.
Don't look through my mind,
As accustomed to accessing it as you must be,
I'm not sure that I want you there anymore.
You've said nothing, done nothing, to me- and yet
I cannot distinguish the anger from sadness, pity from concern...
There is no labelling my feelings towards you,
But more than one tear has fallen for your son.
How can you drag him into this mess?
Your violence, your impulsive stupidities, your attitude...
I could have foreseen this from a mile away.
Your violence, your love for your son, your failure to acknowledge consequences...
I hope that, behind those bars, you cry and rue the choices you made,
But I'll pray that you don't stay there for long.
I'll pray, for your son, that the trial goes your way,
But my rage, my discontent, my disappointment...
My perception of you has continued to crumble away.

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