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Sometimes my mind ensnares me,
Disorientates me, traps me within its confines
Like a constrictor entraps its prey.
I forget about the things I love,
The friends that I've made,
All of the dreams that I wish to pursue,
Until someone pulls me free.
I didn't expect it to be you,
With such a kind yet simple gesture.
I read your words, and smile for the first time
In a long time;
I read your words, and I see the thought
Behind every line,
That you've understood the place
From which I stole the phrase
That I cower behind as I type into this machine.
I am so glad to have found you,
To have learned from your talent and intellect,
Which is balanced most wonderfully
With your wit.
I thank you from the depths of my heart,
And pray that - this Christmas -
You receive the warmth and joyful company
You deserve.

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