Smoke Alarm.

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The smoke alarm
Is screaming
So I tell him
To be quiet.
There is no fire,
Just a candle, and
I am trying to sleep.
Finally, I say "no, thank you",
"I'm busy", "I'd like to be alone",
And I do not feel guilty.
This lie-in is long overdue,
And I am my priority today.
I am resting until I feel better:
All else can wait.
Even the fire can wait -
If it comes into this room,
Spilling forth from the candle,
I shall offer it the chance
To repose beside me,
Otherwise I shall tell it
To go on its merry way.
I am not obliged to fuel the fire
With my time and strife:
All but wellness shall wait,
And the people - the good people
Shall realise that they are not
Entitled to my heart and mind,
And the others
Shall be ignored:
Their beeping, screaming, drama and
Are to be heeded in the half-hearted manner
With which one acknowledges a smoke alarm
That cries sporadically
As it runs out of battery:
They are in need of change.

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