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Argue with me, softly -
Put your insecurities, your flaws,
Your hands on my body;
Desire me, wait for me,
Allow the facade to crumble
And tell me, over and over again,
That you don't know
What you want.
Lay beside me, secretly;
Take my heart into your hands,
Then force it back
Into my chest, watching me writhe
With nothing to say
Aside from that you are not good enough
To hold it.
Look at me, furtively -
Run from me whilst pretending
To run toward me:
Admire me, fleetingly.
Pick me up then put me down,
Disappearing as and when you please;
A ghost in the wind,
I'm talking to myself once again.
I long to be patient, less fervent,
But it is what I am.
Give me something, consistently -
Do something,
Tell me where it is that I stand.
There is something to your words,
I know, but they feel empty;
Say something that you mean, verily.
Say something to save me -
Always look at me with that hunger
In your eye,
Else look away unceasingly.

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