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Apologies cannot begin to mend this pain,
But I beg of you, sweet Cassandra,
To forgive my ignorance - for what do I know?
I ought to have listened;
You spoke in more than just words -
I should have paid heed to where that lightning
Struck the earth, and allowed the thunder
To beckon me forth, to the place
Where I could have held you one last time.
The blood, my dearest Cassandra: I see now
What you sought to convey.
The carnage, the loss - if I'd paid heed to your warning,
So much could have been saved.
Something primal within my mind
Had supposed that everything would be alright
So long as it was given ample time,
But my inaction has led to the end of an era -
I stood back and allowed it to burn,
Too busy to listen as you cried out that there were flames.
I, darling Cassandra, understand that I must let you go.
It matters not what I may offer you, not anymore,
But I beseech you for forgiveness,
And seek to remind you one final time
That your radiance extends much deeper than just
Your matchless guise -
There is a sort of courage within your heart
That few soldiers even possess.
You ought to have the world laid at your feet;
Somebody who can bring you the best of everything
Stood by your side, for now and forever,
So run, beloved Cassandra - there is only so long
That I may keep the ruckus at bay.
I don't know how you knew all that you did,
But we all could have lived if we'd taken heed,
So it is only right that I give you the best opportunity
I may to flee. So run, sweet Cassandra -
Dare not return, for there will be nothing left here
Aside from the ashes, the bloodstains, the lifeless bodies,
Weapons still clenched in their wintry hands.
If you must look back, I beg of you to think of me fondly,
For I will have loved you until my final breath.
My dearest Cassandra - if you may, please forgive me,
But otherwise I ask that you find someplace else
And start anew.

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