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His lips tasted of mine;
Of rum, I think,
And we laid together
Until midday.
He stayed the night,
And whilst the air
Was flirtatious,
We did nothing but be there;
Be here,
In my bed.
I wondered what he was thinking -
Was he thinking at all?
For a man who claims
To have no feelings for me,
He has an unusual look
In his eye,
And a tenderness that was not
There before.
This time, he truly listened
When I spoke,
And when we woke up,
He put a playful kiss
On the tip of my nose.
The little noise of happiness
He made when I settled back down
In his arms...
It made me wonder
About a great many things.
What he was thinking was but one -
Another thought was simply
What I was doing; why?
Did I like him? Love him?
Was I even attracted to him,
Despite the words I say?
I thought that I
Was overthinking,
And now I think
I ought to give it some time:
I think much faster
Than I can feel.

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