The Floor.

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I must stop falling
Before I hit the floor.
I will not survive
If I hit the floor.

I shall fall straight through,
Fracturing the crust of the Earth,
Spiralling down
To the fiery underworld...

And I will see faces
That I thought were lost
Years ago,
Stolen by a skeletal hand.

That hand beckons to me,
And my will to resist
Is as mortal as
My lovelorn flesh.

I am still falling -
Harder, faster
With each of her gentle smiles
That light up her eyes.

I cannot help but fall
When she puts her arms
Around me from behind
And pulls me closer.

Closer - I am closer to the floor
Than I have been
In such a long while...
I don't want to go there again.

I have been discarded,
Thrown aside, unwanted...
I have been the plastic bag
In the wind.

Have I ever stopped being
That bag in the wind?
I simply fly higher
Than I did before...

Here comes the storm -
It will strike me down,
I'm sure, and I
Will continue to fall.

And fall,
And fall.

For what reason would she catch me?
I am going to fall
Straight through the floor,
And you will forget me.

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