Pot of Gold.

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Goodbye, old friend,
I suppose
That our bond,
Like all things,
Shall pale when
Confronted with eternity.
I wish, for you,
That you dreamed of:
The romance, the joy,
The new friends,
The Devil's own luck,
The pot of gold
Beneath the rainbow...
I refuse to feel bitter
As fate pulls us down
Different paths,
But you ought to know
That I'd deviate from
The beaten track
To carry you when your legs
Grow weak,
No matter how many years
We are apart.
The memories we shared,
The laughter, the tears:
Those moments
Cannot be taken back,
Nor can the connection,
Nor the love.
So, farewell, old friend,
May we meet again.
Perhaps our paths
Shall not cross in this realm,
Maybe the road you follow
Is over my grave.
If that is the case, dear friend,
I ask only
That you think of me fondly
When you read my name;
That you know,
Should the roles be reversed,
I would always do the same.

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