A Riddle.

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I am just as defined as the shape of water -
I may be nothing, but I have the potential to be anything.
Watch as you move me from place to place,
And marvel at how I change.
Much like you, I can laugh and joke, I can roll my eyes,
I can hate and I can love.
I can pretend to hold one form for the longest time,
But - should you remove the container -
The water shall splatter to the ground.
I am most comfortable on the ground, and yet
The world does not offer anything
To those of us who are on the ground.
We are the burden, the heart-wrenching story,
The ones who were destined for nothing from the beginning.
We are the ones who defy expectations, the ones
Who you separate into two groups: the geniuses and the ones
Which you drown with pity.
You see us on the ground, blissful puddles,
And your instinct is to fetch a mop; to clean us away,
Because we mean nothing to your society
In our truest state.
Some, like myself, take the shape of water -
We pretend to be like you, because we want to be liked by you,
Because we are taught that we are not valuable,
And we are seeking assurance that we are.
We are more than just unusual, we are more than a tragedy,
But will you ever see us that way?
You infantilise us, say it's rude that I can't meet your eye,
And look away awkwardly when you see us being true
To ourselves in public - the girl on the train who flaps her hands,
The man in the shopping centre making sounds that you
Don't understand.
Now, for the conclusion to this riddle: what am I,
And who are we?
If you don't know, you don't care about us enough:
If you do know, how are you supporting us?

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