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Just as Juliet fell so easily -
Easily, I say, as I make light of love,
For I believed that I could never be her.
Before I had tasted such adoration,
Her sacrifice seemed pointless;
Her devotion simply madness...

Yet, as Juliet fell so painfully,
I have now fallen too.
The warmth of a hypothetical future
Burns this candle at both ends,
And the need for drastic action
Resounds with this pining heart.

What wouldn't I do for him?
To die seems too simple, too easy.
I was never one to take the easy road;
If I were, I wouldn't have loved him,
Dreamed of his body,
Tried to understand his wonderful mind.

There is little else to be said -
He looks at me, and I look back at him.
This is the wrong time, the wrong place,
Where consequences would be so dire,
But he is the right man, the only heart
That I wish to hear beating alongside mine.

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