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My darling taught me the difference
Between a house and a home -
The meaning of familiarity; comfort.
Within her embrace,
I have it all.
After all these years, I finally understand
What it means to feel at home.
She stands strong even as the storm rages on -
Forever warm, eternally mine,
Brimming with memories:
She has been here through it all.
I may adorn her with pretty things,
But never can I quite give to her
The same as she has given to me;
The security, how she pines, but waits patiently,
For my return each time I have to go away.
Try as I may,
Nothing could compare to how she holds me -
She wants nothing and yet
Gives everything.
Sweet Ophelia, how I love her.
Within her arms is the place I call home.

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