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A name
Holds power,
As does
The way
It is spoken -
An enticing whisper,
And I move closer;
A sweet request,
And I honour
Her desires.
She begs so fervently,
And I flirt
With the idea
Of granting her
That sweet release;
Almost an hour
Filled with ecstasy -
That whisper, request,
The begging,
It was all
Done within one word,
My name.
With it too, she declared
Her passion,
Trembling legs
Wrapped around
My waist;
With it too, she exclaimed
Her gratitude, her
Surprise, such pleasure -
The sort that the lonely
Might die to feel.
She says she is safe
In that one word,
My name;
She utters it
As she lays down to rest,
A gentle sigh;
She invites me
To hold her once more
As she closes
Her eyes.
I know I shall awake
To that same voice,
To the blissful
Sound of my name
From her lips -
Sweetly, softly,
In the mornings
She wakes me,
And I am,
For once,
Pleased to have
Made it through
The night.

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