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As a child, I first saw him -
Poised and waiting at the top of the tree
Most mornings, which I passed
On the way to school.
Ever since has he remained a watchful eye,
Before I could even comprehend the bond between us;
Before I understood why his calls
Left me feeling safe.
The glimmering obsidian of his eyes
Very rarely met mine -
He was of a timid disposition, and yet he was
Always nearby;
Always nearby, and always ready
To fly away. He had a mate, and then young,
Yet he was never too far away to call -
His sageness and logic saved me many a time.
He always had a solution, his calling card
A jet feather,
Until I felt him beginning to slip away.
I couldn't be there, and I suspect that he
Didn't want me to see, but it took
Nearly a week for the malaise
To expand into pain; to have your eyes close
And never open again.
You told me that I shouldn't worry,
That the bond between familiar and witch
Transcends the mortal veil.
As always, sweet Regulus, you were right -
You guide me still,
And I can scarcely express the gratitude, the love,
That I hold for you.

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