As I Think Of Him.

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Perhaps I shouldn't think of him this way;
I find myself hedging these words, for I know
That I mustn't think of him as I do.
I think of his eyes, his smile,
The effortless way in which he makes me laugh.
His humour warms me even when the worst things
Are ailing me,
And I wish so dearly for him to be mine.
I desire his body to hold mine so softly,
For my passion to be received and returned.
The proverbs suggest that if I don't try I shall never know,
But there is a time and a place for such things,
A time and a place that I cannot find.
I don't want to wait, to meet his gaze day after day,
And yet say nothing at all.
Does he know, I ponder? If he knew, would he care?
Would he hold me, love me, remain by my side?
Would he think of me as I think of him?
Will he regret it, when time pulls me away?
It's so difficult to phrase, but the warmth of his soul
Has me enamoured, his mind is beautiful
And I long for the rest of time to allow me to explore it;
I wish to claim that eternity before it is out of our reach.

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