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Ask me about myself,
Perhaps I will say something
To surprise myself.
Who - what - is myself?
What defines me?
I don't know what I like,
Or what I dislike,
Nor do I know how I've got this far.
I was, like all, born as a blank slate,
But what have I become?
No Rosetta Stone, no genius,
No fool, nor any computer,
Can understand what is carved onto that slate.
It is me, and yet
I can't understand it myself.
I ponder, is personality merely a construction?
Am I not designed to fit in?
I wish to find whoever engraved the slate,
And ask them what they know.
If not me, then who decided
The contents of my person?
I am tiring of the mystery, seeking some kind
Of frank honesty,
But I know that I will have to answer
This one by myself.
Yet, how can I solve a riddle by myself
When I don't know the first thing about myself?
The task is momentous;
If only there was somebody to help.

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