Living Again.

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This, too, must pass,
For everything changes:
The tides, the moon, the seasons.
As the clouds are replaced by the sun,
I will feel like living once again.
The sleeping will awaken,
The frost will melt
And the songbirds will sing
As dawn conquers dusk -
There has never yet been a day
That hasn't ended,
And so I will feel like living again.
Pain has come, and thus it must go,
Even if it is destined to come back again.
I have been weak, and I've learned to be strong -
Alas, the bar rises ever higher.
The hard times are relentless, and it seems they will
Never end. I yearn to end them
For myself,
And I know not whether it makes me a coward
To think this way,
Or whether it makes me brave to resist.
I reason that all things must pass,
The good and the bad;
The warmth of my body and the ice within.
My childhood has passed, as have family members
And friends which I once knew,
And yet another life, so many new bonds,
Have sprung up in that empty space.
If this, too, shall pass,
Then I will feel like living again.
If this, too, shall pass,
Dawn will conquer dusk.

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