The Last.

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I'm waiting for another love,
So that I can forget you.
This is how it goes, a new lover
Replaces the tears caused by the last,
And the cycle repeats itself,
Seemingly infinitely, but each time
Feels as though it will be the last.
The last heartbreak to crush me,
The last lover that I will claim to love,
Since promises of forever
Ring true within the moment,
And often remain for months,
But are lost within the static
Of these broken radios.
You're playing rock, I play ragtime,
And we cannot hear one another;
We cannot hear ourselves.
As we drift apart, the reception drops out,
Then silence reclaims its victory.
We mute ourselves, and listen for another,
But it feels as though I'll be alone forever,
With you on my mind,
But truly someplace far away.
If you're longing for me, I shall never know,
And if my own pining should last much longer,
I don't know what I shall do.
Of course, as weeks turn to months,
Somebody else always comes along;
Someone who can drown out the silence,
Reanimate my heart, promise me forever,
And then let me fall.
Always falling, I thought you were different,
But I suppose that I say that every time...
Am I to blame?
The tears fall despite closed eyes,
Bloodshot eyes, eyes that wish they had never
Seen love at all.
What if you are truly the last I will love,
And no 'other' ever comes along?
Will I be the last that you love too,
Or shall I be as alone in this misery as I am alone
Without you?

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