Insomniac's Lament.

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Sleep evades me
Like an embarrassed ex-lover,
Eyes cast to the ground
As she walks on by.
I call her name;
I lay here with my eyes closed,
I have done so
Since a few hours ago.
I love her, I need her,
She slips through my grasp -
Nothing else shall give me
That sweet reprieve.
I long to return to that peaceful place,
The only peaceful place
I might currently know,
But I am unwaveringly awake.
I'm neither restless in emotion nor body,
I am tired, but cannot seem
To sleep now, even as I yawn,
Even as I want nothing else more
Than to treat my flesh and soul
To what they crave.
Winter encroaches;
The nights grow ever longer,
And I long to take full advantage
Of the need for the warmth of my bed.
There is no sound to be heard,
No thought to be had,
Not even any pain to savour,
And yet I lay here still awake:
Too tired to rise,
Too awake to rest.
I wonder how much longer this can last -
What purpose is there
To postponing the inevitable?

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