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Sat in the cold-
Am I waiting for you?
There must be a reason
Why I've wandered this way:
If only I knew what it was.
Everything happens for a reason,
Doesn't it?
Then again, what if it doesn't?
What if I am just another
Mindless animal, purposelessly
Milling about, from place to place,
With no purpose, with no fate.
Such thoughts are cold yet liberating-
If nothing that I do matters,
Neither failure nor tragedy
Are worthy of these desperate tears.
Would it be better to feel nothing,
And stumble through life
Simply not caring?
Logically, yes,
But realistically,
I just do not have the heart-
Or the lack therefore of-
To live without feeling.
Who would I be without love?
How would I carry on
Without my eternal sadness?
What would I write?
What reason would I have to breathe?
Simply because I can?
There must be more to this life-
Surely, there must be more...
If only I knew
Whom I am waiting for.
Perhaps then I'd understand the meaning,
The reason, this thing that eludes me so...
If I knew what it was,
My purpose would be to pursue it:
I am so tired of waiting-
Let me pursue my joy.

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