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If I fell for them once, I fell a thousand times -
His countenance, his smile, those striking eyes.
It's hard to explain neatly within these lines;
I wish it were simpler to verbalise,
But I worry he doesn't understand his value;
That his touch means the world to the broken -
I mean to me, if I am to be true,
So I cannot leave these words unspoken.
There is a wonder to his eyes; the cleverness they hold,
A humour to his words, a warmth in his laugh...
If only those walls of his would unfold -
I know I cannot prise them open on his behalf,
But my heart aches when I recall how they hurt him,
And it doesn't seem fair to leave him this way.
Even if he never allows me to see within,
I cannot help but want him to be ready to let someone, someday...

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