End of the World.

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It's a matter of time until I lose the opportunity to confess,
And yet I don't know what to say.
I still can't be certain as to whether you feel it,
Whether you'd love me as I love you,
Or if you'd just turn away.
You've seen so many different sides of me -
I wonder if you'd let me experience the bliss
Of getting to know you better,
Yet I know my chances are slim.
For every trait of mine that anyone has ever admired,
You possess it in a greater quantity.
I suppose there's nothing for you to see in me,
But I see your smile, your eyes,
Your wit, the beating of your heart...
Perhaps I am selfish to say that I want a share of it all.
I'd hold you and kiss you, listen eagerly to your stories,
Laugh at every one of your jokes,
And savour your quirks as though I am under threat
Of losing them -
I don't want to lose them.
I don't want life to pull me away from you,
But I don't have the nerve to ask you to accompany me.
You're too kind to laugh at me, I know that much,
But this dilemma makes me feel as though the world is ending.
I'll regret it if I neglect to say anything,
But I'm not strong enough to face rejection -
I fear it above all else.
I convince myself that you'd give me a hint if you felt
The same way;
That you'd give at least some sort of clue.
Perhaps you worry about rejection too?
I see no easy way forward, and you remain on my mind.
You are always on my mind.
With each passing day, I begin to question
How I used to waste
The time that I now spend thinking of you?
How would I fill that time if I had to move out of your reach?
The world is at risk of crumbling to pieces...

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