Clovette XIX

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She is to me
What the wind
Is to rain -
How she moves me,
We take the world
By a storm.
She may treat me gently,
She might
Grow rough with passion,
But she will never
Leave me behind:
My darling, how she gathers
Every last fragment, droplet,
Of me;
How modestly
She carries me, pretending that
It is easy,
That she is not stronger than
That delicate frame lets on.
It seems like
I am the driving force,
I am the strength,
The discipline and dedication,
The storm,
And yet she is
The gale-force winds
Pushing me onward,
Ever forward.
We are, together,
The storm,
But she is truly the
Driving force,
The strength,
The dedication, the discipline -
She is what
The world sees in me,
And yet
She's so much more;
Beautiful in this world
And the next,
She inspires
Warm nostalgia, and yet
There is always
Something intriguing,
Something new.

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