Little Flame.

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The flame quivered
Beneath my words:
A mumbled prayer,
A plea, an epitaph -
Perhaps it may have been,
If anybody had heard.
Just myself and that little flame,
Enshrined in wax.
I wonder if it might
Warm these trembling hands,
If the night could be held at bay
By this lone little flame.
I think for a while; I plan
On how to become a better man -
The kind who answers
Mumbled prayers,
Pleas, who rescues bleeding hearts
And delays the need
For those lonely epitaphs.
I dream of how to be him,
How to wield the light,
But it seems I am too late -
Whilst I was thinking,
The wick has curled up,
Blackened, and the wax is
All but gone.
My little flame -
Not even an ember stills remains.
I can remember what I was thinking of,
But I can't recall why.
That little light, my sweet flame...
I know now what I needed to do,
But it's no longer the right time.

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