The Paladin.

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"Yes, Sir."
"No, Sir."
Speaking like a machine,
We are the dogs of war.
We haven't the time for airs
And graces.

"Safety off, soldier."
"Shoot to kill."
He says such chilling things
So easily.
Nonetheless, I think I am
In love.

"Kill confirmed."
"Target eliminated."
Eager to please, I live
For the moments where his eyes
Meet mine. They betray the man
Beneath the armour.

"Soldier... May I speak with you,
Off the record?"
He is a gentleman as well
As a killer,
And speaks
So very softly.

"Of course, Paladin.
What is it?"
My heart can scarcely take this.
Am I dreaming - No,
Have I died
And ascended?

"You know what it is...
I'm not good at this sort of thing."
For a man composed of sweat
And testosterone,
He was shy,
Almost meek.

"I love you, Paladin,
More than I can say."
It was both a relief and a struggle
To speak those words, to
Finally get it
Off my chest.

"Excellent. I...
I believe I reciprocate."
He replied, cheeks berry-red.
Unshakeable under gunfire,
It seemed
That he really cared after all.

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