Clovette VI

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I suppose it must be somewhere
In between yesterday and an eternity
Since I last held her;
My heart believes that it is both,
For the memories remain vivid,
But I have slept alone
Far too many nights in a row,
And I want little more
Than to feel her legs around my waist
Again, and to tremble as the warmth
Of her breath washes over my neck,
Just as it did every night as we slept.
I could truthfully say that I don't know
How long it has been since those past realities
Became dreams -
Time is one of the many things
To have lost its meaning.
Those who haven't been blessed by
My darling Clovette
Could never begin to understand,
For any beauty that you may find
Pales beside her;
No music could sound sweeter
Than the songs she sings to herself
When she thinks nobody can hear;
There is no time if you are not by her side,
And space ceases to exist should she not be in it -
What point could there possibly be?
If her breath does not tickle my neck,
For what reason should the wind blow?
Now that I am not holding her,
What is there worth holding onto?
I let go of my anger, my hatred, my fear -
I let them all go so that I could hold her,
And there is nothing that could rival
The warmth of that silken body,
Nor the taste of her smile,
So bright that it humiliated the crescent moon.
I would hold her;
The night sky, she is everything.
She is a hundred thousand sprawling galaxies,
Holding the very answer to how it all began;
To what our purpose truly is,
And she is the promise of new life,
The idea on which we entertain our minds,
And theorise on, for we shall never truly know.
After all, she is the midday sun too;
She is the Earth, the water, the flame,
And I love her, for she is the light and the darkness,
The everything and the nothing;
She is the ultimate muse, the only one
That a man could ever need, and yet
She is the one who reduces a poet
To having nothing more profound to say
Than merely "I love you."

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