As I Think Of A Dream

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And I think of him
As I think of a dream:
I recall him,
Vaguely -
The details are beyond me,
As are the complexities
Of my mind;
Of attraction,
Of my belief in a god -
What is he?
I could hold him,
Kiss him,
Love him -
I could leave him
Without a word.
I could taste
His smile, his laugh,
And I could
The very thing
He seeks;
The flame,
The desire -
The fortune;
Money is what he wants.
Perhaps I have it,
But I know not
What he is,
What he has,
What he will give me
If I am the one,
And how much of that
He will hold back.
If I am not the one,
I will not
Be married for money,
So I think about whether
To tell him
About the fortune
That awaits.
I think too much,
But not of the fortune
That awaits;
I think of him
As I think of a dream -
Perhaps I see
What I want to see.

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