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It has taken a lifetime to learn how to feel -
I cannot teach you in mere moments,
But I wish that I could; I wish I could share the knowledge
That I had to fight, to cry, to bleed, to find.
It is so easy to believe that your feelings don't exist
Just because you cannot acknowledge them -
This, I know, because I've been there too,
And it isn't for a lack of trying.
There's no physical sensation, no idea of how to respond
When asked what you're feeling -
It seems to be nothing, or at least nothing tangible enough
To name. It isn't that you don't know the words
For emotions, it's just that the descriptions you've been given
Don't match your own experience.
It would be difficult for others too, if they were like us,
But it's even worse for ourselves when we don't know
That there are others like us, that we are not cold and unfeeling,
That we simply process and thus experience emotions
In a different way.

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