A Human Face.

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Sunlight upon the window pane,
Glaring down from outside.
There's something nonsensical,
Hypocritically impossible,
Lurking over this world we live in.
Why is there such magnificence
Beneath all of these lies?
They ought to be monstrous,
Yet- now they've been cornered-
They have a human face.
A human face, a human name;
Scarred with pain and woe.
I saw that face,
And I felt all of the pain
From all of those wounds
That left those silvery scars.
Empathy, sympathy-
All of a sudden, I felt for
The villain, and wanted to hold
Him close to my chest;
Close enough for invisible tears to dry.
Alas, I now don't know-
Did I imagine his sorrow?
Did I decide that he must be broken
In order to have done such wrong?
Could I ever have seen
Any emotion at all,
If I failed to count what
Seemingly wasn't real?
Is it just in my mind?
Have I fallen into a trap?
There is no way to know,
For his story is always changing,
And nothing ever adds up.
He doesn't believe in honesty,
Nor truth, problems hidden;
Never to be found.
Thus, there is no way to help him...
Yet I want to help the man
That I thought I saw.

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