Admiration to Desperation.

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I would have liked to be yours,
Even if only for a brief moment in time:
To feel your skin up against my own,
To smile as I tasted your lips.
Perhaps if things were different, I'd have
Fallen straight into your arms...
Perhaps, should things have been different,
It would have been so easy
To tell you about these feelings:
Everything from love to lust,
Admiration to desperation,
The nights that I've spent with strangers,
Biting my tongue just to refrain
From calling out your name.
Then again, perhaps I'd still crumble beneath
The gleam of your eyes,
Fumbling for the words to make you smile.
What a smile, what a laugh - to see you happy
Causes my heart to sing.
Perhaps fate will pull us together again,
Once circumstances have changed.
I'd like to see you, hold you, run my fingers
Through your hair, and tell you
All of these things that I haven't been able to say;
I'd like to take you home, lay beside you,
And stay there come what may.
I love you in the same way that the ocean loves
The shore - if I could remain close to you,
I would... If only the world worked that way.
Alas, I am pushed forwards, then pulled back -
Pushed, pulled, pushed, pulled,
And the moments in which our eyes meet
Are only ever fleeting.
It matters not that I can read yours like a book -
The stakes are too high for a word to be said,
I respect you too deeply to entice you to fall,
And I see a hesitance in your expression.
I know why it's there, and I wish to tell you
That I don't mind, that I love you,
And that shall never change.

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