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I am a little less
After each visit, each night;
Something is left behind,
Or has
Been stolen -
What he does with it,
I hope to never know.
Crumbs of my soul,
He must
Consume them -
Any feeling, thought,
It seems to fuel
His depravity, that blazing
That body;
Those voracious hands,
The speed at which
They move,
He moves,
Within me.
Rough lips to pale skin,
I wonder
If he seeks to take a bite
Out of me,
Straight for
The jugular -
I almost wish
That he would: almost.
He is cold to the touch,
Warmed only
By my flesh
Against his own.
Stubble grates my skin,
And I start
To think about
What he does with the pieces
Of me
That he steals away -
What if he should have every piece;
Would he
Put me back together again?
I leave as less
Than I was before,
And yet there is a bliss
To this reduced capacity, to the
Of my body,
Of the eagerness to please.
I melt into those gluttonous hands -
I do not want
To be put back together.

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